Corporate Office:
Parker Place II
#2035 / 2040 - 4311 Hazelbridge Way
Richmond, BC V6X 3L7, Canada
Hazelbridge路4311号,2035 / 2040室,邮编 V6X 3L7

Contact Information: Ben Fok
Tel: +1-778-863-2632

Vietnam Office:
Tổ 9, Khu tập thể Quân Đội, phường Đằng Hải
quận Hải An, Hải Phòng, Việt Nam
Group 9, Army Collective Area, Dang Hai Ward
Hai An District, Hai Phong, Vietnam

Disclaimer: Woodwind Canada Immigration Ltd. and all directly and indirectly related companies and associates may be involved in processing immigration related documentation. Results can vary depending on each personal information, education, net worth, business-work background, travel history, banking information, experience in Canada, family background, and other parameters. Results are based on the school's or officer's discretion. We are not associated with the Canadian government whatsoever; neither do we possess the ability to influence an immigration officer’s decision. Applicants should consult with our company consultants for better assessment. Clients are required to seek independent legal advice before signing our contract. Services do not guarantee results; nor does previous successes guarantee future results. We reserve the right to reject service.